Separate Ways

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Monday, October 6, 2008
Subject: ~everything ends...
Today, school started again. It was hard to get adaptated after the eid.
Afterschool, Tolga was acting weird. I think he's sad, but he wouldn't tell me what's wrong.

And.......i just heard that Mehmet's brother died.
First i thought he was a soldier. [RIP MARTYRS]
But I didn't want to ask him. I didn't want to know maybe.
I had no idea what to tell him or how to console him.
He is so miserable. He didn't deserve this. He didn't, no one does.
He's just so full of life, full of happiness. He loves humans. I won't be able to stand to see him broken. I'm sorry Mehmet.
Dead ones leave behind so much pain, so much grieve. It's frightening.
I just told Mehmet, that i love him. He said I love you too Mina, and thanks.
I don't know, what i'll do in the funeral.
Do i have to act strong, or just cry?
Yes, I'll cry.
This made me wonder. How much time I have in this life? I should live my life. Not let anyone live my life for me. ~Afterall; you should just live~
How much time people i love have? Did i ever told them or showed them how much they mean to me, how much i love them?
I hope until my last breath, I won't stop hoping and dreaming.
[In my funeral, I don't want anyone wearing black.]

I love you Mehmet.


it's times like these you learn to live again.
it's times like these you give and give again.
it's times like these you learn to love again.


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